The NTC project partners have designed the Curriculum, training program and open educational resources (OERs), which will shortly be available to all interested parties.
The partners used the Value Proposition Design (VPD) process, by Strategyzer ( We got together in Sofia and followed the VPD process, by identifying first the:
- „pains“ – What are the 3 main problems, shared by the mothers that we should address?
- „gains“ – What are the 3 main benefits that the mothers have shared that they would like to have from the prospective training?
- and „jobs“ – What are their 3 main goals/tasks of young mothers that we should have in mind and/or address?
This was done based on the results of our previous research about the needs of the project target group (desk research + structured interviews + survey).This research was done within the first step oft he project.
Next we worked out the design of our product: the “pain relievers”, “gain creators” of our product and finally the product itself – training curriculum and activities. As a result the curriculum consists of 5 topics – each one presented in а separate module:
- Support and appreciation. The main topics include: networking, bonding, connecting, creating community, developing social skills.
- From unicorn to wisdom. The main topics include: critical thinking development, helping eliminate stereotypes, work on gender roles and on mother’s role expectations and stereotypes.
- Self-realization. The main topics include: self-portrait through “maternal journal”, psychological self-awareness needs, mother’s roles, self-care.
- Taking care for your baby. The main topics include: 1st aid, childhood development knowledge and skills.
- Creative Life Management. The main topics include: problem solving through creative tinkering, out of the box thinking – how to find solutions to problems by yourself, time management.
The curriculum is about to be piloted in the partner countries. If you are working with young mothers, or are a young mother yourself and are interested to take part in the piloting, contact us at: for Bulgaria or find the other partners here.
Stay tuned for news about the curriculum development and next steps, which include publishing all the developed contents and activities on the NTC platform.
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